Digital Anglo-Saxons: Charters, People, and Script

There will be a session at the International Medieval Congress (IMC) Leeds this year on Digital Humanities in Anglo-Saxon studies. The session will focus on four new projects: PASE 2 (Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England), the Revised ESawyer, ASCluster (the Anglo-Saxon Cluster) and DigiPal. We will be looking at how to represent historical data in digital form, focusing particularly on issues such as how to represent the 'fluidity' and uncertainty of historical data; how digital resources can address 'traditional' questions in medieval studies and also raise new questions; and how existing resources can be sustained and rejuvenated by integrating them into a larger whole.

Session No.: 1301
Session Title: Digital Anglo-Saxons: Charters, People, and Script
Where: Weetwood, Beech Room
When: Wednesday 13 July 2011: 16.30-18.00

For further details see the IMC website.


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