XVIIIe Colloque international de paléographie latine: St Gall, 11–14 Sept. 2013

The schedule for the 18th Colloque international de paléographie latine has just been posted. This colloque is run every other year by the Comité international de paléographie latine and this time will be held in St Gall on 11–14 September 2013. The theme is 'The Scriptorium', and the DigiPal project will be demonstrated as part of the 'Work in Progress' session at the end of the conference (see the abstract here).

In addition, APICES are running a special session of papers and one of posters on 'Recent Directions and Results in Palaeographical and Codicological Research' in association with the same colloque. The Call for Papers is still open (closing on 31 October 2012), so there is still time to submit a proposal.

It's still early days yet – registration is not due to open until February 2013 – but it promises to be one of the most worthwhile events on the palaeographical calendar, so I suggest watching it closely.


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