Hand: Scribble 1 (her segð hu se halga apostol paulus lærð ælcum mæssepreoste þe godes, Bodleian Auctarium F.4.32 (2176), fols. 1–9 and 19–37
- Name
- Scribble 1 (her segð hu se halga apostol paulus lærð ælcum mæssepreoste þe godes folce to lare byð gesett, 47v)
- Manuscript
- Bodleian Auctarium F.4.32 (2176), fols. 1–9 and 19–37
- Script
- Unspecified
- Scribe
- Unspecified
- Date
- Saec. xi2
- Place
- Unknown
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