DigiPal Receives 15,000th 'Unique' Visitor

On Monday, 25 November, this DigiPal website received it's 15,000th 'Unique' visitor, as defined by Google Analytics, since we started counting at the end of May 2011. I personally am proud of this and think it stands as testimony to the outstanding work that all the people on this team have been doing. In that two and a half years, we have received:

  • 15,020 'Unique' visitors
  • 28,568 visits
  • 70,177 page views

Apart from the front page and 'About' page, the most popular on the site is Describing Handwriting, Part II (Terminology) with 1,505 page views, and Directions to the Council Room, Strand Campus KCL, with 1,044 hits. The blog has received a total of 27,941 page hits. In the ten months since the launch of our new interface at the start of February 2013, the search page has been visited 3,845 times, and images of manuscript pages have been viewed 8,601 times. The most popular manuscript pages are CCCC 173, 29v (336 views since February), BL Additional Charter 19795 (236 views) and CCCC 162, p. 109 (207 views). The most-viewed scribal hand record is that for Bede's Death Song, on p. 26 of TCC R.7.28, and the most-viewed manuscript record is Cotton Tiberius B.iv (fols 3–9 and 19–86).

I wouldn't put too much emphasis on interpreting what all this means, except to say that DigiPal does seem to be achieving one of its goals, namely to be scholarly but also accessible. I think it also goes some way to debunking the myth that palaeography must necessarily be 'highly obscure'.


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