Anglo-Saxon MSS Online II: Copenhagen Roy. Lib. and BAV

For the next installment of this series of blog posts listing digitised Anglo-Saxon manuscripts which are available online, I now list those from the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV), and Det Kongelike Bibliotek (Royal Library) in Copenhagen. A full explanation of these tables is given in the first installment of this series: in summary, it lists all the manuscripts in Helmut Gnuess's Handlist of Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts which are also included (at the time of writing) in the respective websites. I make no promises to keep the list up to date, and I make no guarantees at all regarding how long these links will remain valid.

Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV)

This list is based on the information available at the time of writing here.

G.ShelfmarkScopeDescriptionRelevantMS URL
909 Pal. lat. 68 1--46 Catena on the Psalms, s. viii No
910 Pal. lat. 235 4--29 Paulinus of Nola, s. viii in. No
911.5 Pal. lat. 554 5--13 Penitential, s. viii/ix No


Det Kongelige Bibliotek (Royal Library), Copenhagen

This list is based on the information available at the time of writing from the Codices Latini Haunienses and Fragmenta Latina Hauniensia pages.

G.ShelfmarkScopeDescriptionRelevantMS URL
816 NKS 167b 4º Waldere, s. x/xi  Yes
813 GKS 1588 4º Abbo of Fleury, s. xi4/4 No (but Latin of s. xi4/4)
815 GKS 2034 4º Bede, V. Cuth., x/xi OE Glosses of s. xi1  


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