Manuscript Image: BL Harley 3271: 91r
Hands List
We gesetton on foreweardum (Ker article 8: 90v20–91r4) plus 91r5–7
Allographs List
De Diebus Malis (Ker article 9: 91r5–24) less 91r5–7
Allographs List
De Diebus Fesstis [sic], De epactis (Ker articles 10 and 11a: 91r25–91v29)
Allographs List
We gesetton on foreweardum (Ker article 8: 90v20–91r4) plus 91r5–7 |
De Diebus Malis (Ker article 9: 91r5–24) less 91r5–7 |
De Diebus Fesstis [sic], De epactis (Ker articles 10 and 11a: 91r25–91v29) |
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