Hand: OE Rubric (6r), BL Cotton Galba A.xiv
- Name
- OE Rubric (6r)
- Manuscript
- BL Cotton Galba A.xiv
- Script
- Unspecified
- Scribe
- Unspecified
- Date
- Saec. xi1
- Place
- Leominster
- Catalogue Number
- Scragg 486
Stokes, English Vernacular Script, ca 990–ca 1035, Vol. 2 (PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2006)
This text was written in a very unpractised script with a very thin pen. Ascenders are shorter than minims and taper, and descenders are also short. Minims have curved approach-strokes and regular feet. Caroline f, h, r, and s were all used. The form of a was also perhaps intended to be Caroline but the result is more hybrid as the back is angled fairly steeply and extends past the top of the body but has very little by way of a head. The same form was used for the a-component of æ. Round c was used throughout. The back of d is angled at about 45° and is essentially straight. The back of e is vertical and is often horned, the tongue is horizontal, and the hook rounded. Insular g was used, the top of which is flat, the mid-section fairly open but slightly angular and turns down and right at about 60°, and the tail curves around in a short hook and is turned up at the tip. No minuscule ð is found (the scribe wrote biþ and brodore, pace Ker).Ker, Catalogue, p. 198 (no. 157); cf. A Pre-Conquest Prayer-Book, ed. by Muir, p. 31. The top of 7 is first angled down steeply, then turns sharply back up in a straight section before then turning sharply straight down.