Hand: Added Rubric (fol. 139r), BL Additional 37517

Added Rubric (fol. 139r)
BL Additional 37517
Saec. x/xi

Stokes, English Vernacular Script, ca 990–ca 1035, Vol. 2 (PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2006)

This hand has a heavy and backward-leaning aspect. Ascenders are about the length of minims and are tapering or have small wedges. The sides of a are straight and angled somewhat left, the top is straight but very narrow and angled up somewhat, and the letter is horned once. A similar (unhorned) form is found for æ, the tongue of which is straight and angled up, and the hook round and low. Horned e was used, the back of which is also straight and angled like those of a and æ, the tongue is again straight, and the hook is low. The top of g is flat, and the mid-section hangs right of centre, curves out slightly to the left, and then turns back to the right, and the tail is a small, round, three-quarter closed loop. Low and long s were both used. Long s is found before t and has a very straight back without any wedges and a somewhat angular hook.

a, Insular

a, Insular. Added Rubric (fol. 139r)

a, Insular. Added Rubric (fol. 139r)

a, Insular. Added Rubric (fol. 139r)

a, Insular. Added Rubric (fol. 139r)

e. Added Rubric (fol. 139r)

e. Added Rubric (fol. 139r)

e. Added Rubric (fol. 139r)

e. Added Rubric (fol. 139r)
f, Insular

f, Insular. Added Rubric (fol. 139r)
g, Insular

g, Insular. Added Rubric (fol. 139r)

g, Insular. Added Rubric (fol. 139r)
h, Insular

h, Insular. Added Rubric (fol. 139r)

h, Insular. Added Rubric (fol. 139r)

i. Added Rubric (fol. 139r)

l. Added Rubric (fol. 139r)

l. Added Rubric (fol. 139r)

l. Added Rubric (fol. 139r)

n. Added Rubric (fol. 139r)

o. Added Rubric (fol. 139r)
s, Long

s, Long. Added Rubric (fol. 139r)
s, Low

s, Low. Added Rubric (fol. 139r)

s, Low. Added Rubric (fol. 139r)

t. Added Rubric (fol. 139r)

t. Added Rubric (fol. 139r)

wynn. Added Rubric (fol. 139r)
y, Straight

y, Straight. Added Rubric (fol. 139r)